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Personal Care

You decide what you need help with


Personal Care Assistance encompasses a range of essential tasks to ensure the well-being and comfort of individuals requiring assistance. This includes assisting with bathing and showering, hair washing, and grooming routines, as well as providing support with shaving and oral care to maintain personal hygiene. Nail care is also a vital aspect of personal grooming, along with providing assistance with toileting needs. Additionally, carers may offer support with catheter and stoma care, ensuring proper hygiene and comfort. Skin care is another crucial component, involving moisturising and protecting the skin from irritation or injury. Incontinence support is provided with dignity and sensitivity, including assistance with changing clothing and bedding as needed. Dietary support encompasses assistance with meal preparation, including adherence to special diets tailored to individual needs, ensuring proper nutrition and enjoyment of meals. Ultimately, personal care aims to promote independence, dignity, and overall well-being in daily living activities.

Frequently asked questions


How much does a carer cost per hour?

The standard hourly rate for a caregiver to provide home assistance is approximately £25/hour, although this can vary based on your location. If you opt for a live-in caregiver, the weekly cost starts at around £1500. However, for more extensive care needs, the weekly expenses may rise to £1,600.


Do I have to pay for carers at home?

Based on your situation, the local council might assist with the expenses of home care, or you may be responsible for covering the costs independently. If a needs assessment suggests home care, potential financial aid from the council may be available. Your contribution will be determined by your income and savings.

What is it called when a family member takes care of you?

In the context of caregiving, a caregiver is someone who addresses the needs or issues of an individual facing short- or long-term limitations resulting from illness, injury, or disability.

Get in touch


We have assisted families in maintaining safety,

comfort, and happiness within their homes. Regardless of the situation or question you have,


Benopa Care is ready to provide assistance.

Do you require immediate guidance?

0208 374 3202

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